Fasting for Peace – Day Twenty-Seven

By Alex Rice, Life Academy Teacher

Today I finished fasting as part of Life Academy’s Season of Peace Building. I started fasting at noon on Saturday and finished at noon on Sunday. It was challenging and exhausting, but with the support of my family and community I was able to stick it out and finish strong. I began the fast at a BAM/RAW ceremony where I pledged to defend those who cannot defend themselves, and I will do my best to fulfill this promise. Doing so will not be easy, just as this fast was not easy, but I stay committed to the goal of promoting peace and tolerance in a world where violence is far too prevalent.

“We got you” said the BAM/RAW circle at the fast ceremony on Friday, February 10, 2012, and the message hit home. This experience gave me an opportunity to discuss the idea of peace with those close to me. The fast is a relay, a team effort, and it was an honor to be a part of it. I hope this positivity will continue to spread from Oakland through California.

 Edited by Yuvitza Rivera, Sophomore
Please comment on this post if you supported today’s faster or fasted in solidarity with our movement.

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